Full First Name(s)
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (1996, California PWU, USA); MSc (1992, Swansea University, UK); BSc (1987, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe); DSc (2020, Atlantic International University, USA)
Brief Biography (English)

Prof Gabriel Kabanda is a Full Professor of Computer Science and Information Systems. He has obtained a Post-Doctorate Doctor of Science (DSc) in Computer Science, a PhD in Computer Science, an MSc in Computer Science, and a BSc in Mathematics and Physics.

He is an exceptional Strategist, seasoned Academician, expert Evaluator, shrewd Business Consultant, and Leader competent in dealing with business and with people. Prof Kabanda is technically-savvy with outstanding relationship building, training, and presentation skills.

He is a former University Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research, Innovation and Enterprise Development) for 10 years. Prof Kabanda is a Fellow of the African Scientific Institute (ASI) and a Fellow of the Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences.

He received an International Award for Outstanding Contributions to Education, the Golden Academic Excellence and Professional Achievement award in 2013 in Malaysia at the World Marketing Summit, and was Awarded the world-wide honor of Who's Who of Professionals in 1997.

Job Title
Secretary General
Primary Organisation
Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences, Zimbabwe
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
Southern Africa

Profile Photo