Full First Name(s)
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
BEng (2010, University of Pretoria); BEng (Hons) (2011, University of Pretoria); Meng (2013, University of Pretoria); PhD (2017, University of Sheffield)
Brief Biography (English)

Allan De Freitas obtained the B.Eng., B.Eng. (Hons) and M.Eng. degrees in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He received a PhD from the Automatic Control and Systems Engineering department at the University of Sheffield, UK. He is a senior lecturer in the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Computer Engineering at the University of Pretoria. His principal scientific interests are in the areas of signal processing and machine learning in object tracking, sensor networks, and complex systems.

Job Title
Senior Lecturer
Primary Organisation
University of Pretoria
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
South Africa
African Region
Southern Africa

Profile Photo