Full First Name(s)
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2018, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria); MSc (2013, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria); MSc (2002, University of Ibadan, Nigeria); BSc (1998, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria)
Brief Biography (English)

Dr Olaoluwa Oyedeji holds the Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral degrees in Microbiology from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. His research interest is in the area of Microbial Physiology and Metabolism, Applied and Industrial Microbiology, Water Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology. He currently works as Researcher/Lecturer at the Department of Microbiology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. He was a Visiting Researcher/Scientist at Department of Microbiology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa in 2017.

Dr Oyedeji is a member of professional associations American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Society for Applied Microbiology (SfAM) and Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB). He has published research papers in refereed journals, attended scientific workshops and presented papers in several conferences locally and internationally.

Job Title
Lecturer/ Research Scientist
Primary Organisation
Obafemi Awolowo University
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
West Africa

Profile Photo