Full First Name(s)
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2021, University of Cape Town, South Africa); MSc (2016, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria); BSc (2011, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria)
Brief Biography (English)

Dr Oluseye Olugboyega is a lecturer, a poet, a scholar, and a writer. With an MSc and PhD thesis centered on BIM, Dr Olugboyega has spent the last two decades researching and contributing to the concept of BIM. He has published extensively on BIM, and was the recipient of the Project Management Journal’ Editor Choice Award in 2016 for his paper on ‘framework for creating BIM environment in construction organisations’. His publications are stunning in terms of quality and contain journal articles and global conference proceedings. BIM is a major part of his research interests. Introduction to BIM theory is his first book in his BIM book series.

Brief Biography (Alternative language)

Le Dr Olugboyega est un conférencier, un poète, un érudit et un écrivain. Avec un MSc et une thèse de doctorat centrés sur le BIM, le Dr Olugboyega a passé les deux dernières décennies à rechercher et à contribuer au concept du BIM. Le Dr Olugboyega a publié de nombreux articles sur le BIM et a reçu le prix du choix de l'éditeur du Project Management Journal en 2016 pour son article intitulé " framework for creating BIM environment in construction organizations ". Ses publications sont étonnantes en termes de qualité et contiennent des articles de revues et des comptes rendus de conférences mondiales. Le BIM constitue une part importante de ses intérêts de recherche. Introduction to BIM theory est le premier livre de sa série de livres sur le BIM.

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Job Title
Primary Organisation
Obafemi Awolowo University
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
West Africa
Non-African country/countries of residing and working (present & past)

Dr. Oluseye Olugboyega