Full First Name(s)
Uchenna Ifeanyi
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2018, University of Nigeria); FMCOG ( 2017, National Postgraduate Medical College, Nigeria); MSc (2011, University of Nigeria); FWACS (2001, West African Postgraduate Medical College); MBBS (1989, University of Nigeria)
Brief Biography (English)

Uchenna Ifeanyi Nwagha graduated from the University of Nigeria (UNN) in 1989, with a Distinction in Medical Physiology. He was the Chief Resident and Academic Coordinator during his days in residency training. He is a fellow of the West African College of Surgeons, and National Post Graduate Medical  College of Nigeria (NPMCN). He holds a Master of Science degree in Physiology, PhD in Physiology (Obstetric Respiratory Biology) and a master's degree in Public Administration. He is a Professor of Obstetrics Biology and Reproductive Medicine since 2010 and has a joint appointment in the Department of Physiology/ Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He has attended many national and international conferences and workshops. He has several publications in peer-reviewed International/ National Journals and has contributed chapters to many textbooks of repute. Nwagha is an external examiner to some Medical schools and the West African Postgraduate Medical College (WAPMC). He is the founding editor in Chief of Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research, Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences, International Archives of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and the section editor OBGYN, Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice. He is a Member of the Society of Gynaecologist and Obstetricians of Nigeria (SOGON), International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (FIGO), European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), European College of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery (ECAMS), International College of Surgeons (ICS), and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). He has served in several faculty and University committees and was the past Dean Faculty of Medical Sciences and currently the Provost of the College of medicine.

Job Title
Lecturer and Honorary Consultant
Primary Organisation
University of Nigeria
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
West Africa

Profile Photo