Dr. Nna holds a Ph.D. degree in Reproductive Physiology and Endocrinology from the prestigious Universiti Sains Malaysia. He graduated as the best student in his graduating class at both BSc and MSc levels and had full scholarship awards throughout his university education (BSc, MSc, and Ph.D.). Dr. Nna is excited and passionate about solving problems through cutting-edge fundamental research and has published in reputable ISI quartiles 1, 2, and 3 journals. He currently serves as a reviewer for journals published by several reputable publishers like Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Wiley & Son's, Hindawi, etc, and has reviewed over 70 manuscripts in the last 3 years. His research is targeted at exploring the mechanisms involved in environmental toxicants- and disease-induced male and female reproductive impairments. With the knowledge of these mechanisms, his research strives to profer solutions using natural compounds.
Research Discipline(s)
Brief Biography (English)