Professor Angelo Nicolaides serves at the University of Zululand in South Africa in the Department of Philosophy and Applied Ethics. He is a member of the IIPE (International Institute for Public Ethics), The International Association of Ethics in Education (IAEE) as well as the Ethics Institute of South Africa (EthicsSA). He is a member of the Research Ethics Association of South Africa and has written various chapters in books e.g Social Science Research Ethics in Africa. He is also a member of SAIMS (Institute of Management Scientists), a Senior Member South African Quality Institute (SAQI), a member of the Southern African Society for Quality (SASQ) and the SABPP (Master HR Practitioner-Education and Training) and has consulted with both SMMEs and Corporations. He has been cited at UNESCO meetings. He serves on panels of the CHE (Council On Higher Education), NRF/DHET He works at the intersection of ethics, business strategy, epistemology, theology, philosophy, business ethics, stakeholder management ethics and social justice, and corporate governance. His current focus is on ethics in society and decolonising knowledge.
Prof Nicolaides has written extensively on topics such as business ethics, environmental ethics, and virtue ethics, among others. He has authored 23 books and 151 articles in accredited journals and serves on the editorial boards of a number of international and local accredited academic journals. He is also a life member of the International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS) in Japan.
He examines the extent to which corporations are evolving as critical social institutions. and the fact that they have larger social and political responsibilities than a decade ago. He argues that they influence society to a very large extent and are progressing into becoming the principal societal institutions. This development requires them to be more strategic and agile in their governance, business ethics, social support and in dealing with all their stakeholders including their shareholders.