Full First Name(s)
Karim Premji
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
FRCPCH (2018, Royal College, England); FRCP (2017, Royal College of Physicians, England); FTAAS (2013, IAP); MPH in Nutrition (2003, Harvard School of Public Health, United States); Fellow in Neonatal Medicine ( 1994, University of London, England ); MMED (1991, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania); MBBS (1986, Maharaja Krishna Chandra Gajapati Medical College and Hospital, India)
Brief Biography (English)

Professor Karim Premji Manji is a Professor in Pediatrics and Child Health at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences. He is able to achieve and maintain the level of highest research scientists, to mentor and nurture scientific academia. He has been involved in clinical duties in the neonatal unit, published a situation analysis of new-born and champion activities related to reduction of Neonatal deaths in Tanzania. He would wish to continue for as long as it takes, to capacity build Tanzanians and Africans as a whole.

His recent honours:

His Contribution to Science:

Neonatal Medicine:

Trained in Neonatal l Medicine in 1994 at the then Royal Postgraduate Medical School (now Imperial College School of Medicine), has supervised many dissertations from the neonatal unit, provided service for almost 20 years in the same unit.

Prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Tanzania:

He conducted 2 major trails related to Prevention of Mother-To-child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV, which have contributed to scientific knowledge and changes in Policy in Prevention of Mother-To-child Transmission (PMTCT) issues. The HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) 046 trial of Extended Nevirapine to Prevention of Mother-To-child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV among exclusively Breast-Feeding mothers. Presented and published the Professorial Inaugural Lecture in December 2011 “Myths and Realities of Breast Feeding and HIV in Africa.


He undertook a survey and situation analysis of Autism in Tanzania and published comprehensive information on “Gaps in Knowledge and Care of children with Autism in Tanzania”. This Pervasive developmental disorder is not recognized and not given any importance in Tanzania. He supervised a PhD Candidate from Open University, United Kingdom for undertaking research on Autism in Tanzania, and identifying endo-phenotypes of Autism, development of tools and validating other tools in diagnosing Autism in the Tanzanian context.

Neurodevelopmental Assessments:

His a tutor for the Griffiths Development assessment (United Kingdom) and is a member of Action Research in Child development (United Kingdom) for the same since 1994. He conducted a multi-site assessment of Neurodevelopment in children who have received B2 supplements in infancy. Has established a neurodevelopment resource center in the University, whereby he can train and provide technical assistance in the following tools: The Griffith, The Bailey, The East African Neuro- development tool and the Malawi Development Assessment tools.

Nutrition and Child Health:

He conducted  2 large clinical trials of multivitamins in children. One among offspring’s born to HIV positive women (2400 children), and second consisting on multivitamins and zinc among offspring’s born to HIV negative women (2400). Several papers have been published on these trials. Supervised several MSc and PhD students in completing their analysis and publications from the data in the 2 National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded trails.

His ongoing research:

Harvard TH Chan SPH, BMGF funded. Low Birth Weight Infant Feeding Exploration (LIFE!)


Principal Investigator in this multi-country trial . We are exploring nutritional outcomes among LBW infants. Ongoing . Completed in January 2021 with a 12 month follow-up. Analysis and manuscripy writing ongoing.
WHO.BMGF, Multicounty study PI. Possible Serious Bacterial Infection in Newborn. Pilot study has started and main study will start in April, 2021


Job Title
Professor in Pediatrics and Child Health
Primary Organisation
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
East Africa

Karim Manji