Full First Name(s)
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2013, University of Johannesburg, South Africa); MSc (2007, University of Johannesburg, South Africa); BSc Hons (2004, RAU, South Africa); BSc (2003, RAU, South Africa)
Brief Biography (English)

Dr Wynand Malherbe is a Freshwater Ecologist working in Southern Africa, on wetland ecology of specifically temporary pan systems as well as Ramsar wetlands in South Africa. His Interest mainly deals with macroinvertebrate and fish communities and how they respond to environmental change.

Dr Malherbe has been based at the Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management at the North-West University in Potchefstroom since 2013. First as a Postdoctoral Researcher and now as a Subject Specialist.

He is also the Coordinator for a tutored Masters in Environmental Management with specialization in Ecological Water Requirements.

Job Title
Subject Specialist
Primary Organisation
North-West University, South Africa
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
South Africa
African Region
Southern Africa

Profile Photo