Paul Makasa is a Professor of Architecture at the Nelson Mandela University, in South Africa. He obtained his PhD from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, a Master’s in Housing Policies for Developing Nations, from Aalto University in Finland, and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Zambia. He also holds a PG Certificate in Research Methods for Development from the Institute for Social Studies in the Hague.
Prof Makasa is a Member of the Zambia Institute of Architects (ZIA), and a Student Member of the South African Council for Architectural Profession (SACAP). He is also a Member of 4 research networks: the GRUPHEL – Gender Research network on Urbanisation, Planning, Housing and Everyday Life, administered from the National University of Lesotho (NUL), sponsored by the Swedish International Development Corporation Agency (SIDA); the ALPHA-IBIS - network involving European, South American and African researchers, administered from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands; the ENHR, the European Network of Housing Researchers; and, the ANHR: the African Network of Housing Researchers.
His Research interests include low-cost housing policy development and management; poverty alleviation; urbanism; and gender issues. Prof Makasa has so far Published 2 Books, the 1996 National Housing Policy, a published PhD thesis IOS Press ISBN978-1-60750566-2., and Housing Economics and Policies in Zambia ISBN978-0-620-81640-3. His current Manuscript on Zambia’s Urban Areas is to be Published before the end of 2020.
Prof Makasa has also Published 4 Book Chapters: the 1996 National Housing Policy: a Fruitless March Towards Adequate Shelter for All by the Year 2010, in Grundstrom & Wong-Jere, Shelter for the Urban Poor. Proposals for improvements-inspired by the World Urban Forum (WUF) III. Written as a culmination of the WUF III Conference in Vancouver Canada, 18-26 June 2006, pp 283-293. ISBN 978-91-87866-29-6; Lusaka: in Planning Through Projects: moving from Master Planning to Strategic Planning. Alpha-Ibis Research Network. The Delft University of Technology. ISBN 978-90-8594-023-4; An Overview of the Impact of Globalisation on the Construction Industry in Zambia, in M.I Carmona & M.D Schoonraad (eds) Globalisation, Urban Form & Governance. Alpha-Ibis Research Network. Delft University of Technology, pp 243-260. ISBN 90-407-2570-5; Negotiating Space and Resources in Polygamous families in Zambia. A book chapter in Kalabamu, F., et al (2005) Gender Generation and Urban Living conditions in Southern Africa by the Gender Research on Urbanisation, Planning, Housing and Everyday Living (GRUPHEL), Sweden and ISAS-NUL Lesotho 2003-5 ISAS 2005, pp 111-130 ISBN 99911-31-41-8.
In addition, he has also produced 2 teaching manuals: A teaching manual on Organising Self-help Squatter upgrading: the Case of Chipata Compound in Kitwe: the University of Costa Rica, San Jose. Done in conjunction with HDM- LUND and FUPROVI, sponsored by SIDA, Sweden; and, A teaching manual on preventive maintenance: for the intensive course offered by CBU to Secondary School Teachers from different Government Schools, Sponsored by the ADB in 1998 and 1999. He has Presented numerous Papers at international conferences and workshops including 2 Keynote Speeches.