Full First Name(s)
John Mathenge
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2017, Laikipia University, Kenya); MSc (2006, University College Dublin, Ireland); BCom (1996, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya); Diploma (1989, Egerton University, Kenya)
Brief Biography (English)

In recent years Dr John King'au has been in the forefront of enhancing and facilitating research mandates at Laikipia University which include: initiation of international conference forums for academics and practitioners, establishment of institutional journals for the publications of faculties and scholarly papers, access to ‘The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library’ (TEEAL) for access to journal articles and linkages with local community within the vicinity of the University through supply of the Monthly Organic Farmer magazine among others. He is also a facilitator of Agripreneurship experiential learning with a group of students with the African Management Institute (AMI) platform. The focus is to develop business plans for agri-enterprises. This is a 12 week programme on a staggered schedule with various institutions across Eastern Africa.

He has extensive experience in education development projects across Eastern Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda and South Sudan). He participated in a regional workshop on Agro forestry and Natural Resources Management-ECA-RAFT, Kigali-Rwanda. He drafted a constitution for the Kenya National Training Team (KE-NAFT) and launched it at Egerton University. He participated in a Workshop for African Education and Training Centers on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural development. He was involved in Sustainable Agriculture Curriculum / Syllabus development at the Kenya Institute of Education (KIE). He attended a practical training and Competence Based Education at Barneveld College, Holland. Participated in a Trainer of Trainee (TOT) organized by a team from GRONHOERST / STOAS (Netherlands). He has been a trainer himself and involved in training others on developing manuals.

Dr King'au's career spanning a period of over 25 years includes practical /competence based training, experience in the fields of human resource management, administration, general management and as a development Liaison person with NGOs and Networks such as Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM), African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources Education (ANAFE), World Agroforestry (ICRAF), Trocaire Kenya, Miserior-Germany, and Self-Help Development International (among others). Dr King'au has consulted in several projects taking lead roles as a Community mobilizer, Trainer of Trainees and a Rural Development facilitator in livelihood and community development portfolios.

Job Title
Senior Assistant Registrar
Primary Organisation
Laikipia University
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
East Africa

Profile Photo