Full First Name(s)
Arox Wadson
Title (honorific)
If "Other", please specify.
Associate Professor
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2014, University of Liverpool, England); MSc (2008, University of Cape Town, South Africa); BSc Honours (2007, University of Cape Town, South Africa); BSc Honours (1998, University of Malawi, Malawi); BSc (1997, University of Malawi, Malawi)
Brief Biography (English)

Dr Arox Wadson Kamng’ona is an Associate Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Malawi, College of Medicine (CoM). He holds a PhD in Infection and Immunity from University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom, MSc in Molecular Biology from  University of Cape Town in South Africa, BSc Honours in Molecular Biology from  University of Cape Town in South Africa and BSc Honours in Chemistry from University of Malawi, Malawi. He is registered with the Malawi Medical Council as a Biomedical Scientist. Apart from his normal Lecturing and Research activities, Dr Kamng’ona is involved in several administrative duties. He is currently serving as Dean of the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Health Professions (BMSHP) at the College of Medicine (CoM), University of Malawi. He is co-leading the Virology Research Group at the Malawi Liverpool Welcome Trust in Blantyre and currently sits as an Editorial Board Member of the Malawi Medical Journal. Previously, Dr Kamng’ona held positions as Deputy Dean of Faculty (Biomedical Sciences and Health Professions) at the CoM, Head of the Biochemistry Unit of the Biomedical Sciences Department in BMSHP faculty and Coordinator for a Master of Science in Bioinformatics degree programme, which he co-developed.

Internationally, Dr Kamng’ona holds an Honorary Associate position at the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom, under the Institute of Infection and Global Health (IIGH). He was also engaged (2018-2020) as a Consultant Molecular Biologist at the University of the Free State in South Africa. His academic research work focuses on human microbiome and impact on health in resource poor African settings with collaborating partners from both local and international institutions such as Michigan State University (USA), University of California Davis (USA), University of Liverpool (UK), University of the Free State (South Africa) and The Sanger Institute in Cambridge (United Kingdom). During his leisure time, Dr Kamng’ona enjoys weightlifting as a sport and he is the current President of the Weightlifting and Body Building Association of Malawi (WABAM), a body affiliated to the Malawi National Council of Sports and Malawi Olympic Committee.

Job Title
Associate Professor
Primary Organisation
University of Malawi
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
East Africa

Profile Photo