Full First Name(s)
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2003, Moi University); MSc (2013, Moi University ); MPhil (1993, Moi University)
BA (1989, University of Nairob)
Research Discipline(s)
Brief Biography (English)

Prof Eunice Kamaara is a professor of Religion at Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya, and International Affiliate of Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis (US). She holds MPhil in Religion, MSc. in International Health Research Ethics, and PhD in African Christian Ethics. Her three-in-one public role involves teaching/training, research, and community service. She trains on Advanced Research Methodology including Research Ethics and Integrity; Transformative Teaching and Learning; Gender Mainstreaming; Higher Education Management; Quality Management; Project Planning and Development including Monitoring and Evaluation; Adolescent Sexual/Reproductive Health; and HIV Prevention and Intervention. She conducts trans/multi-disciplinary and community participatory research on gender, character values, and holistic health, and has over 100 publications.  Eunice is passionate about translating research findings into practical development through policy influence and community uptake. She is President of the Eldoret Based Gender and Development Network (EldoGaDNet), a community participatory self-development agent. She enjoys mentoring adolescents and youth.  She has consulted for the World Council of Churches (WCC), the World Bank, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Templeton World Charity Foundation Inc. (TWCF), and Institute of Development Studies/Partnership for African Social Governance Research (PASGR) among others, and served on international boards of Church World Service, Theological Book Network, and currently, on Medecines San Frontieres Ethics Review Board.  Eunice is a Top 30 WHO Africa health innovator.

Job Title
Professor of African Christian Ethics
Primary Organisation
Moi University
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
Other (non-African)

Profile Photo