Heidi Hudson is a Professor of International Relations and Dean of the Faculty of the Humanities at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. She specialises in feminist security studies, with a specific focus on Africa. As a National Research Foundation-rated scholar (B2), her research interests concentrate on the gendered, discursive and material dynamics of peacebuilding in Africa. From 2011-2017, she was co-editor of the International Feminist Journal of Politics – a journal that operates at the intersection of politics, international relations and women’s studies. She is currently an Advisory Board member of the African Peacebuilding Network of the Social Science Research Council in New York. In 2018, she was the Claude Ake Visiting Chair at the Nordic Africa Institute and the Department of Peace and Conflict Research in Uppsala, Sweden. Heidi Hudson has published widely in journals such as International Peacekeeping, Peacebuilding, Security Dialogue, Security Studies, Politics & Gender, Africa Spectrum as well as in the International Feminist Journal of Politics. She serves on a number of editorial boards of journals such as Politikon, Civil Wars, International Feminist Journal of Politics, Stichproben and Revista Relaciones Internacionales.
Research Discipline(s)
Brief Biography (English)