Full First Name(s)
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD Applied Physics (2010, Portland State University, USA); MA Physics (2007, Portland State University, USA); MSc Applied Physics (2004, University of Zimbabwe); BSc Honors Physics (1994, University of Zimbabwe)
Brief Biography (English)

Prof Timothy Gutu has been an Associate Professor in Applied Physics at the University of Zimbabwe since 2013.  He is a Research Scientist/Electron Microscopist Professional who is innovative, profit-oriented and performance-driven.

Prof Gutu deploys advanced materials characterization techniques to understand synthesis-structure relationships, structure-properties relationships and microstructural evolution. He utilizes electron microscopy techniques to solve R&D challenges, has a passion for learning, teaching, training and solving problems.

His research interests are Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Materials Science, Electron Microscopy (TEM and SEM) and Materials Characterisation.

Job Title
Associate Professor in Applied Physics
Primary Organisation
University of Zimbabwe
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
South Africa
African Region
Southern Africa

Profile Photo