Full First Name(s)
Louise Carin
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2019, University of Cape Town, South Africa); MSc Biological Sciences (2015, University of Cape Town, South Africa); BSc (Hons) Geography (2013, University of South Africa, South Africa); BSc Environmental Management (2010, University of South Africa, South Africa)
Brief Biography (English)

Dr Louise Carin Gammage is trained as an Environmental Geographer, and her current inter- and transdisciplinary work focuses on marine social-ecological systems (SESs) and fisheries in South Africa.

Her Research, taking a system view, make use of integrative and iterative methods (such as participatory modelling) to promote understanding of and inform decision-making in marine SESs at various scales of interaction.

She is interested in exploring innovative methodologies (such as structured decision-making tools) to (amongst others) address challenges related to scale and decision-making in complex adaptive systems; understanding drivers of change in SESs with an eye to improving the present and future decision-making, and exploring ways that local stakeholders (such as fishers) can build adaptive capacity while informing governance and policy at larger decision-making scales by using approaches such as scenario planning.

Dr Gammage has Experience with semi-quantitative modelling techniques (such as cognitive (causal) mapping and Bayesian network modelling), qualitative and quantitative data, interviews and surveys, group facilitation, scenario planning and fieldwork.

Job Title
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Primary Organisation
University of Cape Town (Marine Ecology and Fisheries research group), South Africa
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
South Africa
African Region
Southern Africa

Profile Photo