Aslam Fataar is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Education Policy Studies at Stellenbosch University in Cape Town. He specialises in the areas of Sociology of Education and Education Policy. He has published more than 200 academic articles, book chapters, and opinion pieces. He published three books which are: 1) Education Policy Development in South Africa’s Democratic Transition, 1994-1997 (2011) 2) Engaging Schooling Subjectivities across the Post-Apartheid City (2015), and 3) The education practices and pathways of South African students across power-marginalised regions (editor, 2018). He also published five co-edited books. He is the outgoing President of the South African Education Research Association and the former Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Southern African Education Review. His current book is, Searching for Islamic Ethical Agency in Post-Apartheid Cape Town (Africa Sun Media Press: Stellenbosch). He won three awards for three of his published articles and two awards in recognition of his educational scholarship from the Education Association of South Africa.
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Brief Biography (English)