Full First Name(s)
Louise Diana
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2019, University of Cape Town, South Africa); MBA (1991, Oxford Brookes University, UK); BSc Biochemistry & Physiology (2008, University of South Africa, South Africa); BSc Med Hons Exercise Science (2009, University of Cape Town, South Africa); BSc Med Hons Human Nutrition & Dietetics (2011, University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Brief Biography (English)

Dr Louise Diana Clamp follows a career in business and investment management.

She completed a BSc in Biochemistry and Physiology, followed by honors degrees in Exercise Science and Dietetics. In 2019 she completed her PhD investigating the role of metabolic rate and substrate utilization in the maintenance of body weight, body composition and insulin sensitivity.

Dr Clamp completed biostatistics courses through the University of Cape Town (UCT) for non-degree purposes to further her statistics competence.

She has several First Author and Co-Author Publications in peer-reviewed journals and is very keen to be involved in research going forward. Dr Clamp is self-motivated and enjoys working in a team.

Job Title
Dietitian, Researcher
Primary Organisation
Shelly Meltzer & Associates
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
South Africa
African Region
Southern Africa

Louise Diana Clamp