Dr JohnBosco Chika Chukwuorji is a Senior Lecturer (assistant professor) in Department of Psychology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He was a Fulbright scholar and visiting researcher (2019-2020) at Cleveland State University Cleveland Ohio United States of America. He holds a PhD in Clinical psychology obtained from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He received a BSc honors degree in Psychology (2010), as well as MSc in Clinical Psychology (2014). As a research fellow in the Center for Translational and Implementation Research (CTAIR), University of Nigeria, Nsukka, he is a core team member in the use of implementation science to enhance the effectiveness and quality of healthcare services in Nigeria. His research is focused on finding innovative approaches to provide quality mental healthcare for people living with challenging health conditions, forcibly displaced persons and the general population.
Since 2019 till date, Dr Chukwuorji has been consistently listed in top 500 authors in all research fields by scholarly output in Nigeria (see SciVal – Elsevier Authors Ranking of Authors). In addition to being the Editor of Nigerian Journal of Psychological Research (founded in 1986) since 2015, he is Associate Editor of three Journals (Fulbright Chronicles, Nigerian Journal of Psychology, Journal of International Politics & Development Studies) and editorial board member of four journals (BMC Psychology, Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, CPQ Women and Child Health, Journal of Psychology and Allied Disciplines). In 2019, he won the Global Peer Reviewer Award (Top 1% in Psychiatry and Psychology), through Web of Science and Clarivate Analytics (Thompson Reuters) powered by Publons for reviewing manuscripts for reputable journals published by Springer, Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, Wiley, Frontiers Media, etc. He is an invited speaker at some international conferences including the First African Positive Psychology Conference (South Africa, 2018), National Symposium on Drugs and Drug Policy in Nigeria (Abuja, 2021). He has attended over 50 national and international conferences.
Professionally, Dr Chukwuorji belongs to many associations including Africa Global Mental Health Institute (AGMHI), Australian Centre on Quality of Life (ACQol), Health and Internal Displacement Network (HIDN), Pan-African Scientific Research Council (PASRC), International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), Psi Chi International Honors Society, American Psychological Association (APA), Nigerian Psychological Association (NPA), Nigerian Association of Clinical Psychologists (NACP), International AIDS Society, and International Society for Studies in Behavioural Development (ISSBD). He is one of the four recipients of the Developing Country Fellowship Award (2022) of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) for his research on school bullying. He is keenly in interested in mentoring younger researchers and being mentored by other people in research and scholarship.