Full First Name(s)
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (1986, SUNY Buffalo); MA (1981, SUNY Albany)
Research Discipline(s)
Brief Biography (English)

Prof Chiwengo is a Professor at the Department of English Studies, Creighton University, USA. She teaches Global, African, and African American Literatures and composition courses at Creighton. She is also the Director of Creighton’s Black Studies Minor. She also teaches and has taught at the University of Lubumbashi (Congo, DR), The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, and Samford University.  She has also been the Federal President of PDSC in the Katanga province and a translator for the Zairo-Zambia Commission.  She has published the book Understanding ‘Cry, the Beloved Country’: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents (2007) and co-edited the JALA Special Issue on the Teaching of Violence and Human Rights in African Literature (2015).  Much of Chicago's work deals with questions of gender, identity, Congolese cinema, African American identity and voice, the teaching of literature, and narratives of violence, trauma, and embodiment, mainly in the context of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR). Her articles in English on violence include ‘When Wounds and Corpses Fail to Speak: Narratives of Violence and Rape in Congo (DRC)’, published in Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (2008); as well as ‘Making Visible and Eradicating Congo’s History of Violence: Maiming the Female/National Body,” which appeared in the volume Violence in/and the Great Lakes. The Thought of V.Y. Mudimbe and Beyond (2014); and “Bestialisation, Dehumanisation, and Counter-Interstitial Voices: Representations of Congo (DRC) Conflicts and Rape,” featured in Plain Sight. Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict (2019).

Brief Biography (Alternative language)

Professeur au Département de English, Creighton University, USA. Elle enseigne des cours de Littératures Mondiale, Africaine et Afro-Américaine et de Composition à Creighton. Elle est aussi la Directrice du Programme de African American and Diasporic Studies de Creighton. Elle enseigne également et a enseigné à l’Université de Lubumbashi (République Démocratique du Congo), à l’Université d’Alabama, Tuscaloosa ainsi qu’à Samford University (Birmingham, Alabama). En outre, elle a été la Présidente Fédérale du Parti PDSC (Parti Démocratique Social Chrétien) dans la Province du Katanga/Shaba et a presté comme interprète/traductrice de la Commission Mixte Zaïro-Zambienne. Ses publications majeures comprennent l’ouvrage Understanding ‘Cry, the Beloved Country’: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents (2007) et en coédition le numéro spécial de JALA (Journal of African Literature Association) “The Teaching of Violence and Human Rights in African Literature” (2015). Un grand nombre des travaux de Chiwengo portent sur des questions de genre, identité, cinéma congolais, identité et voix afro-américaines, enseignement de littérature et de récits de violence, traumatisme et incarnation, principalement dans le contexte de la République Démocratique du Congo. Ses articles en langue anglaise comprennent “When Wounds and Corpses Fail to Speak: Narratives of Violence and Rape in Congo (DRC)”, publié dans Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East (2008); ainsi que “Making Visible and Eradicating Congo’s History of Violence: Maiming the Female/National Body” paru dans le volume Violence in/and the Great Lakes. The Thought of V.Y. Mudimbe and Beyond (2014); et “Bestialisation, Dehumanisation and Counter-Interstitial Voices: Representations of Congo (DRC) Conflicts and Rape,” paru dans Plain Sight. Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict (2019).

Job Title
Professor of English
Primary Organisation
Creighton University
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
African Region
Central Africa

Profile Photo