Prof Tapas Chatterjee worked as biostratigrapher (micropaleontology, foraminifera biostratigraphy) and with Jurassic Ammonoids for 21 years in Petroleum Exploration Research in industries before joining academics. At present he is involved in biostratigraphic research in all major South African sedimentary basins with Mesozoic marine sediments. Considered prospective for Oil exploration. Guiding PhD and Masters degree students as a faculty member.
Prof Chatterjee has More than 27 yrs experience as Geologist in Petroleum Exploration in Indian Basins. Working experience Specialist Micropaleontologist and biostratigrapher in all major sedimentary basins. Interest to integrate and interpret Subsurface stratigraphy for Exploration in New areas. He is interested to work with Jurassic and Older age group of sediments. His specialties include Identification of Hiatus (long and short duration) in well section , calculation of span of hiatus, demarcation of MFS in well section and Transgrassive-Regressive cycles, subsurface correlation with Integration of well logs and biosratigraphic data.