Full First Name(s)
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (1982, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunis University, Tunisia); PhD (1986, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunis University, Tunisia)
Brief Biography (English)

Prof Hassen Chaabani was born the 07 / 09 / 1947 in Tunis (Tunisia). He is a Full University Professor in Human Genetics, Biological Evolution, and Biological Anthropology (University of Monastir). He was Director of Department from 1990 to 1996 (Faculty of Pharmacy of Monastir), Director of a Research Unit E12 /CO9 (in Human Biology), from 1996, and Director of a Research Unit entitled “Biology and Molecular Anthropology applied to Development and Health” (until 2013). Many research works of Master and Doctorate were done under his management. He was Chairman of three International Conferences and has taken part in many other scientific and cultural meetings at the national and international scales. He is the Founder and the President of the “Tunisian Association of Anthropology”. He is the Founder and the Editor-in-Chief of the “International Journal of Modern Anthropology”. He wrote dozens of academic articles, two books, and several book chapters. In 2014, he was awarded the honorary title of Professor Emeritus.

For more details you can see:

Job Title
Professor Emeritus
Primary Organisation
Unversity of Monastir
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
North Africa

Profile Photo