Full First Name(s)
Tarryn Lee
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD Aquatic Health (2016, University of Johannesburg, South Africa); MSc Aquatic Health (2011, University of Johannesburg, South Africa); BSc Zoology Honours (2008, University of Johannesburg, South Africa); BSc Biochemistry and Zoology (2007, University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
Brief Biography (English)

Dr Tarryn Lee Botha is an Environmental Nanotoxicologist specializing in aquatic toxicology of gold nanoparticles. She has experience in zebrafish, daphnia, algae and bacteria acute and chronic testing.

Dr Botha is currently part of the North-West University (NWU) Water Research Group. She has undergone further training at the Fraunhofer Institute (Schmallenberg, Germany) and the School of Veterinary Medicine (Hokkaido, Japan).

Dr Botha attended the 6th Annual International Zebrafish Husbandry course. She is a Member of the Zebrafish Husbandry Association and the Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists. Dr Botha is also part of the ecotoxicology leg of the WRG houses the National Nanoecotoxicology Bioassay Facility. She is the Founder of the Zebrafish Interest Group of South Africa (ZIG_RSA).

Job Title
Primary Organisation
North-West University, South Africa
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
South Africa
African Region
Southern Africa

Profile Photo