Full First Name(s)
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2006, University of Southampton, UK)
Brief Biography (English)

Prof Anita Bosch is an Associate Professor at Stellenbosch University's Business School, South Africa. She holds the USB Research Chair dedicated to the study of women. Prof Bosch also Teaches in the organisational behaviour and leadership tracks. She holds a PhD from the School of Management at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom.

Prof Bosch has been actively conducting Research about women at work since 2010, after more than 22 years in Leadership positions, both in the private and higher education sectors. She is the Editor of the annual Women’s Report which is in its 10th year of publication and provides evidence-based insight about women’s workplace realities with the aim of bridging academia and practice.

Prof Bosch continues to Publish other public reports such as: Women on South African boards: facts, fiction and forward-thinking, and Closing the gap on injustice – addressing the gender pay gap in South Africa. Her articles have been Published in journals such as the: International Journal of Human Resource Management; South African Journal of Science; Journal of Personality Assessment; Equality, Diversity and InclusionAn International Journal; and the Journal of Managerial Psychology; amongst others.

Her work spans the field of women in paid work including identity, gender traits, structural inequality and policy. She Served on the Board of the South African Board for People Practices from 2006-2009 and initiated the HR Research Initiative of the professional body.

Prof Bosch also Served as the Editor for Africa of the academic journal Equality, Diversity and Inclusion—An International Journal from 2012-2016, and is presently the Section Editor for women at work of the South African Journal of Human Resource Management.

More recently Prof Bosch was invited to do a Presentation on legislative direction regarding the gender pay gap, in review of the National Women’s Charter, to the South African Parliament. She is a Research Fellow at Vlerick Business School, Belgium, and regularly engages in public forums such as print, online and broadcast media.

Job Title
Associate Professor
Primary Organisation
Stellenbosch University
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
South Africa
African Region
Southern Africa

Anita Bosch