Pascal Bessong is a Professor of Microbiology and Global Health, having trained in Nigeria, South Africa, France, and the United States. He is the Founding Director of the HIV/AIDS & Global Health Research Programme, University of Venda, South Africa. His research interests include host and microbial determinants of antimicrobial resistance, and the sustainability of combination antiretroviral therapy; oncoviruses in AIDS; and the interactions of enteric infections, vaccine response, gut integrity, growth, and development in young children. His scientific contributions have been published in top-tier and highly influential scientific journals such as AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, Science, PLOS Medicine, Lancet Global Health, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Pediatrics, Journal of Infectious Diseases, Viruses, and Vaccine. He is a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa, and an Associate Editor of the South African Journal of Science.
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Brief Biography (English)