Full First Name(s)
Sandra Matabi
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD(2017, University of Johannesburg, South Africa); Masters (2013, University of Johannesburg, South Africa); Honours (2010,University of Johannesburg, South Africa); AIMLT (1996, University of Calabar teaching hospital, Nigeria)
Brief Biography (English)

Dr Sandra Ayuk (AIMLT, Medical Laboratory Technology, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH), Nigeria, B Tech Hons, M Tech, Biomedical Technology (CumLaude, D. Tech, Biomedical Technology), University of Johannesburg, South Africa; Masters in public health (in view)). She obtained her Doctorate degree in Biomedical Technology from the University of Johannesburg, in May 2018 and she is presently a part-time lecturer in the department of biomedical sciences, University of Johannesburg,. She is also specialised in haematology and blood transfusion, Cytogenetics as well as laser interaction in wound healing focusing on diabetic wounds and cancer. She is passionate in teaching, research in biomedical sciences, public health and serves as a reviewer in several journals.

She has presented her works in several conferences both locally and internationally, and has published several manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, two conference proceedings, a book chapter and a book. She has held various leadership positions in both her career and social status, such as secretary of associations, chairperson, vice-president, and is currently the president of the African Laser Congress (ALC) student chapter association. She is also a member of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing (OWSD), South African Chemical Institute (SACI), CAMELS and Society of Medical Laboratory Technology of South Africa (SMLTSA). She has received both academic and community service awards, including the merit for the best over performing student from the Faculty of Health Sciences (2012, 2013, 2016 and 2017) and two from the Laser Research Centre (2016, 2017); Best Woman of Science (2018); Overall Best oral/poster presentation (2014/2012 respectively), Outstanding postgraduate work (2013) as well as good leadership (2010-2012).

Dr Ayuk is highly motivated, dynamic, resourceful and devoted with distinguished academic excellence. She is a lover of music, sports and board games, and devotes most of her time in mentoring young women and children. She aspires to be productive in the world of academics and research as well as contribute to the community through other social works.

Job Title
Lecturer/Research Scientist
Primary Organisation
University of Johannesburg
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
West Africa

Profile Photo