Adebanji Ayeni obtain his PhD, Msc in Business Administration and BSc in Accounting from Covenant University. He is member of the Nigeria Institute of Management (NIM) as well as on other several associations. He is Lecturer of the following courses: Introduction to Business, Management and Organisational Theory, Introduction to Marketing, Elements of management, Entrepreneurial Management, Elements of Marketing, International Business, Nigerian Business Environment, Organisational Behaviour, Venture Management, Entrepreneurship Development, Organisational Development and Business Communication at Landmark University. He is an exam officer, the professional NIM coordinator and serves as member on several key university committees in the same university. His education in Accounting, Business Administration and Information Technology business practices gave him an edge and stands him out significantly as competent to collect, analyze and utilize business information clearly for research and teaching. This skillset has aided him tremendously on his present project of entrepreneurship Research in the Department of Business Studies at Landmark University.
Research Discipline(s)
Brief Biography (English)