Prof Teketel Anshebo obtained his BSc in 1984, MSc in 1989 and PhD in 1997 from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Since 1984, he has been serving at higher education institutes. His academic career started as a Graduate Assistant in the Department of Chemistry of the then Bahir Dar Teachers College; which was the satellite College of Addis Ababa University. Prof Anshebo also has had various short and long-term training in management and leadership (e.g., Advanced Leadership Seminar (four weeks) in Haggai Institute, Hawaii, USA, Higher Education Leadership and Management (HELM) (two weeks), Osnabruck, Germany, and a Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education Management (one year) from the University of Melbourne in Australia. Over the years Prof Anshebo had the opportunity of Advising 10 PhD students, 25 MSc students. Currently, he also advising five PhD students. He extensively studied electrochemistry, spectroelectrochemistry, photovoltaic and photoelectrochemistry of organic conducting polymer materials. Prof Anshebo has also Published and Co-Authored more than 60 scientific articles in highly reputable local and international journals. His research activities were also featured in various media outlets such as YouTube, the official website of the Materials Research Society and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) newsletter. Adding to that, Prof Anshebo has been collaborating with prominent scientists from world-renowned Universities and Research Institutes; such as University of Linkoping in Sweden, Johannes Kepler University Linz in Austria, Osaka University in Japan, University of Antwerp in Belgium, Rutgers University in the USA, the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics in Italy, Institute for Nanostructured Materials Studies, ISMN-CNR Bologna Division in Italy, and Institute of Chemistry, CAS, Beijing, China. He has also acquired numerous research grants from various organizations. In addition to the long list of Fellowships, he managed to accomplish a series of Research Visits abroad and also has been actively participating in local and international conferences, workshops, schools and scientific meetings. Prof Anshebo was a Junior and Regular Associate of ICTP, Associate Fellow of TWAS, Fellow of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences and Reviewer and Associate Editor of various local and international journals. He is also a Board Member of the African Materials Research Society, Founder and the mastermind behind the African Network for Solar Energy and the first Board Member of the Joint US-Africa Materials Institute. These networks have helped him Establish and Manage a successful research group that is hosting his several PhD and postgraduate students. Prof Anshebo has Organized major International Conferences in Ethiopia such as the African School on Nanoscience for Solar Energy (2010), Joint US-Africa Institute’s First Materials Research School (2012), the 7th Biannual Conference of African Materials Research Society (2013), Organic Photovoltaics and Biopolymer-Based Batteries and Supercapacitors for Solar Electricity Storage (2014), Ethiopian Regional Workshop on Solar Energy and Energy Storage Technologies (2018) and 5th African School on Electronic Structure Methods and Applications (ASESMA) (2018). His leadership quality has shined through his service at Bahirdar Teachers College, Ethiopia, as the Chairman of the Department of Chemistry over seven years; Director, Chair and Coordinator of the Materials Science Program at College of Natural Sciences (Addis Ababa University) for over five years; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs (central University position) for the College of Natural Sciences (AAU) for two and half years; Director for Research (central University position) at Addis Ababa University for over three years; Acting Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer (AAU) for six months, and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University for three years. Currently, since October 26, 2020, he is the Executive Director of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences.
Research Discipline(s)
Brief Biography (English)