Full First Name(s)
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (1998, University of South Africa, South Africa); MSc (1981, Sofia University, Bulgaria)
Brief Biography (English)

Professor Roumen Anguelov's research is in the areas of differential equation, their theoretical and numerical analysis, dynamical systems and mathematical modelling. His recent work is mainly on Biomathematics, an interdisciplinary area comprising applications of mathematical methods and models to biological sciences as well as new mathematical constructs and theory, which are motivated by such applications. In this work, he collaborates nationally and internationally with mathematicians and biologists from many fields.

Prof Anguelov's research in mathematics education is modest, but mathematics education takes up a significant part of my academic work including all its aspects: curriculum development, teaching methods and technology and learning facilitation. Working with aspiring students at all levels ranging from High School to PhD has been always a pleasure.

Google Scholar Profile
Job Title
Primary Organisation
University of Pretoria
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
South Africa
African Region
Southern Africa
Non-African country/countries of residing and working (present & past)

Profile Photo