Thomas Aneni holds a PhD Entomology (2014) from the University of Benin, Nigeria. He is currently a research scientist with the Nigerian Institute for Oil palm Research. His PhD research project is important in providing for the first time, a comprehensive leaf miner assessment of the Oil palm agroecosystem in Nigeria using temperature, rainfall, and relative humidity characteristics and the integration of physical, biological, bio-insecticidal and pheromone control methods. His research focus is on mainstream pollination and pollinator management into Nigeria agriculture sector policy for smallholder farmers. This builds on the African Climate change Fellowship Program (ACCFP) adaptation fellowship (July 2015- June 2016) output (Aneni, T.I. et al., 2016), Improving Policy to Adapt to Pollinator Decline in Nigeria. Octa Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 4(4): 319-330. ISSN: 2321-3655). It also builds on work as a lead author with the UN - Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Chapter 2, Assessment on pollination and pollinators associated with food production (2014-2015). This work is a significant global reference for action to support national pollination action plans and implementation. This assessment is already helping to inform and shape National Action through a science-led policy in Nigeria.
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Brief Biography (English)