Full First Name(s)
Olayinka Ayobami
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2010, University of Fort Hare); MPH (2017, University of the Western Cape); MSc (2006, Obafemi Awolowo University); BSc (1999, Obafemi Awolowo University)
Brief Biography (English)

Dr Olayinka Ayobami Aiyegoro is a Specialist Researcher/Project Manager at the Agricultural Research Council- Animal Production Institute, Microbiology and Biotechnology Unit, Irene, South Africa, from January 2012. His duties include Researching, Part-time Teaching, Supervision of students, Microbial Gene Bank Manager, Project and Financial Management, Office administration, and Ad hoc duties. He was the Visiting Research Fellow at the Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada from December 2017 to 2019, and an Affiliated Researcher at the University of the Free State, Department of Plant Sciences, QwaQwa Campus from January 2014 to December 2016.

His current projects include Bacterial communities associated with the surface of sweet pepper and their selection as biocontrol; Proteomics of the Synergistic Interactions of co-cultured Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from Porcine Gut; Beneficial Microbes GenBank database and culture storage for DAFF (Public goods entity maintenance); Antimicrobial combination therapy: potential for Southern African medicinal plants with dyes to treat infectious skin pathogens; and Effects of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) fed as putative probiotics and host genetic profile on rumen microbial ecology of sheep and goat in South Africa.

Dr Aiyegoro's expertise encompasses Molecular and Public Health Microbiology with applications in environment, animal, and human health. He has demonstrated competency in executing a wide gamut of functions, viz.

- In in-vivo (including animal models) and in-vitro research techniques, conventional microbiology and biotechnology techniques, molecular microbiology techniques, including PCR, qPCR, DGGE, FISH, Nextgen sequencing techniques, bioinformatics, etc., tissue culture techniques, integrative approaches like confocal microscopy, proteomics, metabolomics, mass spectroscopy, analytical research, validation, BSL3, ELISA, histopathology analysis, imaging in guinea pigs, cloning, pharmacokinetics and efficacy studies using bioluminescent bacteria, constructing bioluminescent and fluorescent bacteria and its use in in vivo studies.

- Isolation and Structural Elucidation of bioactive phytochemicals from medicinal plants and from beneficial microorganisms, antimicrobial susceptibility testing; drug screening protocol development; phytochemistry, cytotoxicity testing.

- Application of conventional and molecular biology techniques for the isolation, enumeration, and detection of pathogenic microorganisms from food, environmental, and clinical samples.

- General and Specialised Microbiology Laboratory Procedures- culturing of obligate and fastidious anaerobes, fermentation experiments using industrial and lab-scale fermenters, shelf-life studies on food and pharmaceutical products, testing the effect of post-harvest additives on cell settlement and shelf-life of probiotics, the effect of different media on shelf-life of probiotics, optimization of biomass yield of probiotics using the pulse-and-shift methods, determination of saturation constant for growth yield of microbes, genetic manipulation of microbes, mammalian cell culture, animal models studies, microscopy and imaging techniques, etc.

His research focus is on Food and Public Health Microbiology; Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology; and Phytomedicine and Natural Products Research.

Job Title
Senior Researcher
Primary Organisation
Agricultural Research Council
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
West Africa

Profile Photo