Full First Name(s)
Monday Sunday
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
MSc (2020, University of Abuja, Nigeria); PhD Short Course in Climate Change (2018, University of Ghana, Ghana); PGDE (2017, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria); BAgric (2016, Cross River University of Technology, Nigeria)
Brief Biography (English)

Monday Sunday Adiaha is a Scholar, a Researcher and a Scientist. Adiaha holds an Advance Certification of the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science School of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Trieste, Italy. In 2020 was a Speaker at the Joint Abdul Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics-International Atomic Energy Agency  (ICTP-IAEA), International School on Radioactive Waste Cementation  hosted at ICTP. He has  also undergone numerous advanced training and make several presentations at ICTP. Adiaha is a member of the Soil Science Society of Nigeria (SSSN), International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN), Europe Union Research Data Alliance, International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage (ICID). He is an Academic Researcher/Scientist in the Department of Planning, Research Extension & Statistics at the Nigeria Institute of Soil Science (NISS). Adiaha has served in various institutions as a Researcher, Scientist and Mentor  in various voluntary capacity at the Continuing Education Section of the FCT College of Education, Zuba  and at the Department of Agronomy, Cross River University of Technology and has also experimented and facilitated numerous project in Nigeria and aboard. Some of his projects re-unlocked the potentials of native and exotic tree species in Global Greenhouse Gas (CO2)  sequestration including  Ecological flood/erosion modification, ecosystem stabilization, remediation and rehabilitation of contaminated lands using Vetiver Grass Technology (VGT). Adiaha has published some of his Academic and Scientific works and can be found here:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4BIIXPIAAAAJ&hl=en . Adiaha has attracted local and international Scientists, Researchers and Collaborators to NISS. He was invited as a Speaker at the 2020 World Soil Day Experts' Dialogue in Abuja, Nigeria, and was one of the key  Speaker/Presenter at the  African Physical Society (AfPS) International Conference (smr 3476)  held at ICTP. Adiaha holds the Grand Leader for Peace Honor awarded by the National Association of Akwa Ibom State Students (NAAKISS) CRUTECH, Obubra Campus Chapter – 2015,  Ordinary Doctorate Award/Certificate of Merit awarded by NAAKISS, National Association of Agronomy Students, CRUTECH Chapter, Students Affairs CRUTECH, Obubra Campus and CRUTECH Establishment Office, Obubra Campus- 2015 among other awards.

Job Title
Academic Researcher/Scientist
Primary Organisation
Nigeria Institute of Soil Science
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
West Africa

Profile Photo