Professor Folahan Amoo Adekola was born in Ibadan, Nigeria and he obtained his BSc Honours in Chemistry in 1984 with First Class and MSc in Chemistry in 1987 at the University of Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife. He then earned his PhD degree in Chemistry, specializing in Analytical Chemistry of Industrial Processes, with Distinction from Sorbonne University, Paris, France in 1993. He further pursue one year of post-doctoral research in Chemical Process Metallurgy at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France.he joined the Department of Chemistry of the University of Ilorin in 1994. He was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1996, appointed Reader 2004, and finally became Professor of Chemistry in 2011. Professor Adekola has won several academic awards including Federal Government Undergraduate Merit award (1981-84), Best Graduating Student in the Department of Chemistry of the University of Obafemi Awolowo University (1984), University of Ife Postgraduate Fellowship (1986-87), French Government Doctoral Scholarship (1987-93), Senior Researchers’ Fellowship for International Scholar (2005/2006). Prof. Adekola is a Fellow of many professional bodies including Chemical Society of Nigeria (FCSN), The Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), and the Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria (FIPAN). Prof Adekola has successfully supervised Fourteen (14) PhDs and 40 Masters’ theses in the area of Analytical, Environmental and Industrial Chemistry. Three of his former students are now Professors while three are Associate Professors. He has published over 120 research papers in peer-reviewed journals. He has served the University of Ilorin in several capacities: Sub-Dean of Postgraduate School (2002-2005), Member of Business Committee of Senate (2002-2005), Head of Department of Chemistry (2008-2010), Director of General Studies Division (2012 - 2015), and Dean of Faculty of Physical Sciences (2018 to 2020). Professor Adekola is happily married with children.
Research Discipline(s)
Brief Biography (English)