Full First Name(s)
Yapo Guillaume
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
DTech (2010, Cape Peninsula University of Technology); MTech (2006, Cape Peninsula University of Technology); BTech (2004, Cape Peninsula University of Technology); BSc (2004, University of South Africa)
Brief Biography (English)

Dr. Yapo G. Aboua is currently coordinating the Master and the Ph.D. programmes in Health Sciences in the Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences at Namibia University of Science and Technology. His research area is Reproductive Biology and he is actively involved in Child, Maternal, and Reproductive Health Research. With more than 10 years of research experience, Dr. Aboua supervised up to 19 (Hons and B.Tech), 19 Masters and 8 Ph.D., and examined 18 (Hons and B. Tech), 7 Masters and 4 Ph.D. theses.

Job Title
Senior Lecturer
Primary Organisation
Namibia University of Science and Technology
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
Cote d'Ivoire
African Region
West Africa

Profile Photo