Full First Name(s)
Gemeda Abebe
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2013, University of Antwerp, Belgium); MSc (2006, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium); BSc (1999, Jimma University, Ethiopia)
Brief Biography (English)

Professor Gemeda Abebe is a Professor of Molecular Medical Microbiology at Institute of Health, Jimma University in Ethiopia. He graduated with BSc in Medical Laboratory Sciences from Jimma University, Ethiopia in 1999 and completed his MSc in Molecular Biology (Human Health) in 2006 from Vrijie Universiteit Brussel in Belgium. Prof Gemeda has also received PhD in Medical Sciences from University of Antwerp, Belgium in 2013. Prof Gemeda is teaching at Jimma University School of Medical Laboratory Sciences. He has a broad background in molecular biology and medical laboratory sciences. In addition to his direct professional expertise, he has been involved in academic administration and professional association leaderships. He has served as head of School of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Director of Institute of Biotechnology Research and currently head of Mycobacteriology Research Center which is involved in provision of referral services on MDR-TB diagnosis and treatment follow-up in Southwest part of Ethiopia. Moreover, he chaired Ethiopian Medical Laboratory Association. During these years, he has been involved in national health policy issue at highest level that includes preparation of manuals for TB lab quality assurance, on job training for health laboratory and other professionals, and design and development of curriculum for health professionals in Ethiopia. Currently he is member of Research and Innovation Committee at Jimma University and member of Advisory Council for Oromia Region for COVID-19. His major areas of research are infectious disease with emphasis on tuberculosis, HIV, malaria, host-pathogen interactions, molecular diagnostics and antimicrobial resistance.  He has published 57 scientific articles on peer reviewed journals.

Job Title
Primary Organisation
Jimma University
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
East Africa
Non-African country/countries of residing and working (present & past)

Prof. Gemeda Abebe