Full First Name(s)
Binta Fatima
Title (honorific)
Academic Qualifications
PhD (2011, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria); MSc (1981, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria); BSc (1978, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria)
Brief Biography (English)

Prof  Abdulkarim is a Lecturer in Ahmadu Bello University with twenty-five years teaching experience in Environmental Management, Field and Mapping Techniques and Climatology;  Chair to several development communities at international, national and university levels; worked with Development Partners as a consultant, field researcher, data analyst, report writer, and programme evaluator. Beyond community engagements,  have served as a moderator to the US State Department Speaker Programme for the empowerment of women in Science in Northern Nigeria, Students’ Exchange programme between Nigeria and Germany (Go- Africa-Go-Germany) and researches embarked by French Embassy (IFRA) in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. Among others, are, Nigeria’s Environmental Sustainable Manual for Vision 20:2020 on Sustainable Environment, the Jigawa and Kaduna States’ Environment Policies, Livelihood blueprint for adaption in desert-prone communities in Northern Nigeria for TETFund; Strategic Frame for Livelihood options in Northern Nigeria’s Frontier Communities developed for National Agency for the Great Green Wall in Nigeria (NGGW) In addition are draft manuals for Greening Kaduna State; developing Science and Environment manuals for teachers: PAMPAIDA Ikara Millennium Hope, United Nations Project Training in mapping techniques with skills in Remote Sensing and GIS application has strengthened my capacity in terrain analysis, tracking vegetation changes and land use patterns in different ecological zones, weather extremes, and hot spots of hazards and community vulnerabilities for Spatio-temporal analysis and adaptation options. Currently, the coordinator of Gender Policy Unit in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria; the aim of which is to provide the Vice-Chancellor with policy options central to contemporary gender issues; Chairperson of Kaduna State Environment Protection Authority, Nigeria; Chair to National Conservation Foundation, Kaduna State branch, Nigeria; a member of Ahmadu Bello University Environment Protection Committee and the Nigerian Women in STEM supported by the Schlumberger Foundation; Africa Centre of Excellence in Engineering Education-MIT, USA; A trustee and adviser to  several Environment committees in Nigeria; the current director of the Institute for Development Research and Training (IDR&T), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.  

Job Title
Primary Organisation
Ahmadu Bello University
Website Address for Primary Organisation
African Country
African Region
West Africa

Profile Photo